Macadamia had a recognized flagship product line in desperate need of a digital facelift, so they hired us to create a website with a minimum of clutter and a maximum of e-commerce savvy. The site we created with them included a “swipe-to-buy” feature, the ability to purchase a product from any page on the site and an interactive hair profiler – all while keeping the interface clean and uncluttered.
The site we created with them included a “swipe-to-buy” feature, the ability to purchase a product from any page on the site and an interactive hair profiler – all while keeping the interface clean and uncluttered.
In addition to designing the site, we directed new product and ingredient photos.
since a high percentage of people today are using phones for researching as well as purchasing products and services, mobile interactions were a priority on this project. We kept the UI/UX experience on the phone and desktop as similar as possible.
As with all websites we design, this project was taken through specific steps of development. Research, which includes white board sessions, client and user discussions. Planning, which is when sitemap(s), and wireframes for both mobile and desktop are mocked-up and presented.
After function and content hierarchy are approved in wireframe, we move into design comps. While we work on design and UI, the developers are hammering out the code that will bring the site to life.